


The days that followed have been spent more or less close to Algerian border. And near the sky.

The fact that one night, when we were all nearly in the bed, they were moving around our house, parked only 2 km from Algerian border, with armed kalashniks, will be described later on. Now I'll only talk about our ascensions towards the sky. Some with the unbeatable Kia, others on foot.

The other day we decided to park our appartment in Gafsa and take a tour to the Biada mountain (Djebel Biada) with Robert's car. The army prevented us from taking a picture of the antennas, but we managed to shoot a photo for the "The Tunisian Four" new album cover.

The evening stop in the small town of Thala was pretty a Hitchcock or Twin Peaks style. It would also make a suitable setting for Deliverance II. It wasn't that significant that we were served some kebab for the first dinner that night on bicycle spokes. A much more significant impression left us all the locals we were meeting. We felt as if in a cross-over between the film Deliverance and Star Wars.

Translation pending. Please return in a few days.