Posebni pogoji COVID-19


Dear adventurers,

The year 2020 shocked us with a global catastrophe unseen by our generation. Despite the fact that Desert Soul Adventures is particularly sensitive due to the specifics of its activities and has also been severely affected by anti-corona measures, I can assure you that I will take our desert and Mediterranean story forward. After all, I’ve faced difficult situations in the past that I’ve successfully overcome, and with me, so did Desert Soul Adventures.

Since we currently live in rather uncertain times, I believe that both tour operators (if you want to use them in the future and therefore have to exist) as well as guests need to take some of the risks that we did not have to in the past. In this regard, the amendment to the General Terms and Conditions of Desert Soul Adventures is in front of you. As I understand that it is not your personal fault if border crossing conditions change for you due to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation in your country, we at Desert Soul Adventures will make a step toward you and assume part of the costs associated with your cancellation that will not be governed by the General Terms and Conditions. It may also be the case that for similar reasons, which are not our fault and which may change faster than preparations for coups or wars, Desert Soul Adventures will be forced to postpone the trip. In the first case, we go hand in hand with you, the guests, and in the latter, we expect you to be similarly understanding. If we want to keep tour operators through these uncertain times, we simply cannot put all the risks on their shoulders, but a reasonable "fair play" is needed.

I wish you a pleasant vacation "far from the crazy world" and as many successful adventures with us as possible even after the last shock.

Tilen Gabrovšek, Desert Soul Adventures manager

Special conditions related to travel restrictions due to Covid-19 anti-proliferation measures

1. If the passenger cancels the tour or cannot take part in the trip due to a general ban on leaving the origin country, origin or nationality-related bans on entry into the country of transit or origin or nationality-related ban on entry into the destination country of travel, the amount paid, less the cost of airline tickets and handling costs of € 200, is transferred to the next same tour to the same country organized by Desert Soul Adventures.

2. If the passenger cancels a tour due to an imposed quarantine in the destination country on the basis of origin or nationality, 80% of the amount resulting from point 1 of these Special Conditions shall be transferred to the next same tour to the same country.

3. If the passenger cancels a tour due to a quarantine prescribed after return to the home country, the cancellation is subject to Desert Soul Adventures General Terms and Conditions and not subject to the agreement referred to in items 1 or 2 of these Special Conditions.

4. If the trip is canceled by Desert Soul Adventures due to the factors described in point 1 of these Special Conditions, or as a consequence of the described factors (i.e. excessive dropout of participants on a particular trip), we transfer the entire paid amount, except the cost of any air tickets, to the next departure.

5. The passenger is obliged to provide in writing the evidence on the basis of which he / she claims a transfer of the payment under points 1 or 2 of these Special Conditions. He is also obliged to check for himself whether there are any travel restrictions imposed for him based on the origin country or citizenship in relation to the destination country.

6. If the passenger does not participate in the tour, or is due to anti-Corona measures unable to reach the destination country because of health reasons, including a positive PCR test for the novel coronavirus or Covid-19 symptoms, withdrawal from the tour is regulated by the General Terms and Conditions. We highly advise you to take a trip cancellation insurance at your country of origin as starting in July 2020, many insurance companies also cover the Corona-related health situations as long as an epidemic is not declared in your country or your country of origin is not tagged red on the Covid-risk world map. Fear of travel is not covered by any insurance company and any cancellations out of fear will be also regulated by the General Terms and Conditions.

7. All our tours have the status of "All-inclusive tourist travel package" in the destination country.

8. The cost of a possible coronavirus test, both before and during the journey, shall be covered entirely by the passenger, even if such a test is necessary to start or continue the tour.

9. In all cases, without exception, exclusively a WRITTEN notification by e-mail to info@desertsoul.com is considered as the moment of cancellation of the tour.